Extra Secure Cap for 3v dome – Pack of 61

Extra Secure Cap for 3v dome – Pack of 61

Regular price £315.00 on offer!

Pack of 3d printed caps which correctly align hubs and increase load bearing capacity.


When are caps a good idea?

Domes in public spaces - You never know what the general public will do!

Other situations include: covered domes in high winds; covered domes that will experience more than 20cm of snow and other adverse conditions.

Please email us if you're unsure about your intended use.


    6 x 5-way caps
    55 x 6-way caps

    A cap for all hubs in a 5/8s 3v dome.

    Professionally SLS printed in strong Nylon.


    Please note: Unlike the rest of the kit, printed nylon is not UV stabilised and if installed permanently outside will need to be protected from sunlight for long life.